Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering Department


Meeting with stakeholders

Recently, the employees of the department had a planned meeting with stakeholders (employers) – the company RenesasMeeting with stakeholders
Partnership relations with the company operate on the basis of contract No. 24 dated 31.05.24 signed by acting rector Ruban Igor and include a wide range of ways of interaction of the PFEE department with the company.
Meeting with stakeholdersAt this meeting, together with the company representative – Community Relations Senior Specialist Andriana Kushnirenko, the following stages of cooperation were discussed:
Meeting with stakeholders conducting master classes for teachers and students
Meeting with stakeholdersparticipation of company representatives in campaign events of the department
Meeting with stakeholdersstudent access to the “Altium Limited” product
Meeting with stakeholders reviewing the education plans and providing recommendations
Meeting with stakeholders conducting practices and internships
Meeting with stakeholdersorganization of a university-based laboratory and much more.
We are grateful to the company for its support and openness.
Meeting with stakeholdersOn behalf of the department, the following were present yesterday: the head of the PFEE department – Oleksandr Hnatenko, assistant professors of the department – Elena Linnyk and Yevgenia Fedorenko, and assistant of the department – Olha Kravchuk.
There will be more, don’t switch Meeting with stakeholders