I. Cooperation between between NURE (PFEE DEPT.), Sumy University and ELI ERIC (Czech Republic) on conducting an online course for students (bachelor’s and master’s), postgraduate students and university teachers. The course includes the following lectures (2023-2024):
 | 1. Introductory lecture. Motivation to use lasers and large-scale facilities. What is ELI ERIC? Speaker: Prof. Janos Hajdu (ELI Beamlines, CZ | Uppsala University, Sweden) 2. An overview of laser technology development Speakers: Dr. Tyler Green | Dr. Robert Boge (ELI Beamlines, ELI ERIC) 3. Attosecond pulse generation technology, its challenges and the role of ELI-ALPS Speaker: Dr. Zsolt Divéki (ELI ALPS, ELI ERIC) 4. Introduction to Laser Wakefield Acceleration Speakers: Dr. Petr Valenta | Jiří Šišma (ELI Beamlines, ELI ERIC) 5. Laser-driven X-ray sources and applications Speaker: Dr. Jens Uhlig (Lund University, Sweden) 6. Laser-driven electron sources and applications Speakers: Dr. Gabriele Grittani | Dr. Illia Zymak (ELI Beamlines, Czech Republic) 7. Inertial Confinement Fusion and Ultra-High-Intensity Laser Interaction with Matter Dr. Florian Condamine (ELI Beamlines, Czech Republic) 8. ELI Beamlines E1 technology and applications. X-ray spectroscopy end station Speaker: Dr. Jakob Andreasson (ELI Beamlines, Czech Republic) |
 | With the support of Eurizon, ELI Beamlines organizes a workshop on FIBER OPTICS AND ENGINEERING. You can find the details of the workshop at the link: https://indico.eli-laser.eu/event/39/page/150-news-welcome The workshop was held at ELI Beamlines twice: from January 22 to 25 and from January 29 to February 1. Participation in the workshop was free for participants. To support Ukrainians interested in laser topics, 3 grants for participation in the workshop were announced. Each grant covered travel, accommodation and per diems. Yes, our student of MTEOILS-23-1 Vladyslav POLYAKOV and department assistant Olga KRAVCHUK won two grants |
 | NURE continues scientific and educational cooperation with leading European scientific institutions. Thus, representatives of ELI Beamlines cooperate with the PFEE in the following areas: lectures for university students and a research project to develop a device for detecting parasitic laser pulses. Within the framework of this cooperation, from February 10 to February 17, 2024, Vice-Rector for Research Yurii Romanenkov and Head of the PFEE Department Oleksandr Hnatenko visited the ELI Beamlines Research Center and held a number of working meetings with the management and scientists of the center on further close scientific and educational cooperation and signing a memorandum of cooperation. |
II. The PFEE department has concluded the following international agreements: agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with Ravira and Virgil University (Spain); agreement No. 001/2010 on scientific and technical cooperation with the International Center for Theoretical Physics (Italy) (Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics).

III. Agreement with the University of Limoges, France, on internships, internships, international semesters and studies under the double degree program.

 | student Vasko Kostyantyn successfully completed his internship, as a result of which he was invited to study at the graduate school in the direction: “Optics, photonics and laser information systems”. He defended his PhD work on 12/21/2023, in the city of Limoges (France), XLIM, University of Limoges. The work is entitled: “Numerical (1+2D)/3D tool to model the surface scattering of light in the inhibited coupling hollow fiber” |
 | student Yury Pulyaev successfully completed his studies in the international semester. |
 | student Ilya Samotoi successfully completed his internship and continued his studies in graduate school. |