International Conference UkrMiCo’2019
On September 9-13, 2019, the 4th International Conference UkrMiCo’2019 was held in Odessa. At the conference, over 80 reports of scientists from Ukraine and other countries were presented. Report of the professor of the Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering Department (PFEE) Odarenko E.N. “Ferrite Magnetophotonic Crystal for Terahertz Tunable Filter” was voted Best in Section 4 “Electronics”.
VIII International Conference “Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers”
The VIII International conference “Advanced optoelectronics and lasers”, which takes place in the Bulgarian city of Sozopol with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and in partnership with NURE.
International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies”
Scientific directions of activity
Lecturers and Researchers at FOET
Full Name | Position | Scientific direction |
Machekhin Yu. P. | head. department | Improving the characteristics of lasers. Chip Lasers. Nanolazers. Laser technology in information systems. |
Odorenko E.M. | professor | Photonic crystals. Nonlinear optics. Electrodynamics. |
Churyumov G.I. | professor | Mathematical modeling of physical processes in optoelectronic devices. Microwave technology. |
Afanasieva O.V. | docent | Laser marking of products Laser hardening and welding Laser diagnosis |
Kurskoy Yu. S. | docent | Laser particle cooling Nonlinear dynamic systems Quantum cryptography Quantum computer |
Gnatenko A.S. | assistant | Fiber ring lasers Laser rangefinder Lasers in medicine. |
Tarapov S.I. | professor | Metamaterials. Spectroscopy |
Dzubenko M.I. | professor | Solid state and high power lasers Optical locators |
Kuhtin S.M. | assistant | Sensors and spectroscopy |
Fedorenko E.P. | docent | Interaction of lasers with substances. Applied chemistry |
The main results of the scientific activity of the FOET Department in 2018
1. Research on budgetary and extra-budgetary financing, grant agreements, contracts, performed and implemented.
I. D / b No. 317 “The concept of development of resonant pulse compression and instruments for obtaining powerful microwave pulses in X, Ku and millimeter ranges”, No. DR 0117U002525, scientific adviser: GI Churyumov, deadline: 01/01/2017 – 12/31/2019
II. NTR “Development of technology for regeneration of high-power microwave electrostatic devices, as well as nodes and elements of their structures for reuse”, № DR 0117U003963, Scientific adviser: Ekezli AI; due dates: 10/1/2017-30/09/2020.
III. DZ / 38-2018 “Development of design documentation and pre-trial sample of the laser system of registration of optics in open space”, Scientific adviser: Machekhin Yu.P .; due dates: 01/10/2018 – 12/31/2019.
2. List of scientific papers published and accepted for publication in 2018 in foreign editions with impact factor:
№ п/п | Authors | The name of the work | Country, title of the publication | Volume, issue (issue) first to last pages |
1. | Sashkova Ya.V. Odorenko E.M. | The modified Bragg waveguide with additional layers | USA, Тelecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2018. | vol. 77, No. 6. – P. 489-500. |
2. | S.Y. Polevoy, V.A. Michaylichenko, A.S. Vakula, S.V. Nedukh, & S.I. Tarapov,. | Principal Parameters for Optimization of Experimental Technique for Fast Remote Identification of Liquids at Microwaves | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2018, v.77(18), p.1639-1648 | v.77(18), p.1639-1648 |
3. | А.S. Vakula, V.N. Sukhov А.G. Belous, Т.V. Kalmykova S.I. Petrushenko, S.I. Tarapov, | Ferromagnetic Resonance in the Complex of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles With Organic Compounds, | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2018, v.77, N3, p.257-262., | v.77, N3, p.257-262. |
4. | Gnatenko A.S., Obozna V. P. Machekhin Yu., Kurskoy Yu.. Vasianovych A. | Ring fiber lasers for telecommunication systems. | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering | Vol.77, Issue 6, pp.541-548 |
5. | Gnatenko A.S. Machekhin Yu. P., Kurskoy Yu. S. | Photonic crystal nanolasers as optical frequency standards | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering | Vol.77, Issue 13, pp.1169-1177 |
6. | Gnatenko A.S., Tkachenko V.A. Machekhin Yu. P., Kurskoy Yu. S. | Nanolaser superradiation in information and measuring procedures | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering | Vol.77, Issue 13, pp.1179-1186 |
7. | Gnatenko A.S. Machekhin Yu. P., Kurskoy Yu. S. | Laser anemometry method for particle velocity measurement in the bose-einstein condensate | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering | Vol.77, Issue 17, pp.1555-1563 |
8. | Gnatenko A.S. Machekhin Yu. P., Kurskoy Yu. S. | Physical and mathematical foundations of measurements in nonlinear dynamic systems | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering | Vol.77, Issue 18, pp.1631-1637 |
9. | Gnatenko A.S. Vasianovych A. V. | Optimization of thermal regime of continuous CO2-lasers with diffusion cooling | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering | Vol.77, Issue 19, pp. 1685-1695 |
10. | M.I. Dzubenko | Resonator method for determination of losses in one- dimensional metal gratings in terahertz range /. (2018) | USA, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering | Vol.77, No.13. P. 1195-1202. |
3. Information on research work and innovative activity of students, young scientists.
І. Student scientific group operate on a permanent basis at the FOET department
| The name of the group | Teacher |
1 | Nanolazers in information systems | Machekhin Yu.P. |
2 | Photonic materials | Odorenko E.M. |
3 | Physical processes in optoelectronic devices | Churyumov G.I. |
4 | Creating and using metamaterials | Tarapov S.I. |
5 | Solid state and high power lasers | Dzubenko M.I |
6 | Lasers in industry | Afanasieva O.V. |
7 | Photonics, Quantum Optoinformatics and VAT | Kurskoy Yu. S. |
8 | Lasers and information systems | Gnatenko A.S. |
9 | Sensors and spectroscopy | Kuhtin S.M. |
10 | Interaction of laser radiation with substances | Fedorenko E.P. |
ІІ. With the participation of students, articles and abstracts were published
Authors | The name of the work | Journal (conference) |
Articles | ||
V. А. Tkachenko (FTOIm-18-1) Yu. P. Machekhin, Yu. S. Kurskoy, A. S. Gnatenko, | Nanolaser Superradiation In Information And Measuring Procedures | Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. 2018. Vol. 77, Is. 13. P. 1179-1186 |
V. А. Tkachenko (FTOIm-18-1) Yu. P. Machekhin, Yu. S. Kurskoy, A. S. Gnatenko, | Superradiance of nanolasers in information-measuring procedures | Radiophysics and electronics. 2018. T. 23. № 2. S. 61-68. |
V.P. Obozna (LOETm-18-1) A.S. Gnatenko, Yu.P. Machekhin, Yu.S. Kurskoy | Providing mode locking in fiber ring lasers | J. Nano-Electron. Phys. 10 (2), 02033 (2018). |
Conferences | ||
D.O. Yevtushenko (FTOIm-17-1)
E.N. Odarenko, A. I. Nosich, S.V. Dukhopelnykov | Diffraction Radiation of Electron Beam in the Presence of Dielectric Optical Nanowire Resonator | IEEE International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. 2018, July 2-5, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 148-151. |
D.O. Yevtushenko (FTOIm-17-1)
| Optical Diffraction Radiation of a Beam of Particles Flowing Near a Circular Silver Nanowire | 2018 XXIIIrd International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED). 2018, September 24-27, Tbilisi, Georgia, pp. 43-46. |
Sivny V.B. (LOETm-18-1) Kurskoy Yu. S., Гнатенко А.С.
| Solution of complex measuring problems by methods of nonlinear metrology. | 15th International Scientific and Technical Seminar “Uncertainty of Measurements: Scientific, Legislative, Methodological and Applied Aspects” September 10, 2018. Sozopol, Bulgaria. P. 24. |
Sivny V.B. (LOETm-18-1) Kurskoy Yu. S., Гнатенко А.С. | Solution of complex measuring problems by methods of nonlinear metrology. | International Conference “Metrology and Measurement Engineering” October 9-11, 2018. Kharkiv, P. 187. |
ІІІ. Students participate in the implementation of the DZ / 38-2018.
4.4. Scientific units (teams), their areas of activity and work with customers.
The department consists of: Orion Research Institute, line of business – microwave processes and technology; Research Institute of Photonics, field of activity – photonic and laser technology, optoinformatics.
5 Scientific and technical cooperation with foreign organizations.
The following international treaties were concluded by the FOET Chair: an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with the University of Ravira and Virgili (Spain); Treaty No. 001/2010 on Scientific and Technical Cooperation with the International Center for Theoretical Physics (Italy) (Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics).
II. Sixth-year student Vasko K. is an intern at the University of Lemoges (France).