Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering Department


Results of the Winter Holidays with NURE

On 03.01.25, we had the pleasure of joining the NURE Winter Holidays – a winter school from the university, where employees conducted master classes with participants in an online format.
The PFEE department was represented by Olga Levchenko (assistant dept.), Mykola Gerasymenko (senior lecturer) and Yevheniy Sulima (postgraduate student of the department).
During the master class, the participants were introduced to a variety of optical devices and parts, such as fiber optics, prisms, glass, lenses, rotating mirrors, light filters and simple sources of generation of red, green and violet laser radiation.
Also, the principles of light propagation through fiber optics and optical prisms were demonstrated by conducting experiments and the principle of operation of a laser engraver, which during the report engraved a drawing on various surfaces (metal and paper).
We are grateful to the organizers for the opportunity to communicate with the audience of applicants and connoisseurs of modern technologies!
More to come, stay tuned Results of the Winter Holidays with NURE
Results of the Winter Holidays with NURE