Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering Department


Welcome Day results from Sigma Software University

Greetings to all!
We want to share with you one interesting piece of news!Welcome Day results from Sigma Software University
Yesterday, 05.09, students and teachers of our department attended an interesting event – Welcome Day from Sigma Software UniversityWelcome Day results from Sigma Software University
We talked about everything☺️
– how to keep up with everythingWelcome Day results from Sigma Software University with Yevhen Rozhilo. Yevhen is a student, company employee and startup organizer. He shared his experience, talked about useful literature and how to highlight the main points.
– “Algorithms, databases and other necessary knowledge: what to study at university for IT?” Welcome Day results from Sigma Software University with Maksym Maryanchuk. Maksym was happy to share his own experience as a student and explained why studying mathematics is very important for a future IT specialist Welcome Day results from Sigma Software University
– work-life balanceWelcome Day results from Sigma Software University with Olga Oseredchuk. How to combine the incompatible and how not to burn out in such a crazy flow of studies, work, desires, dreams and people.
– Emotional intelligenceWelcome Day results from Sigma Software University with Kateryna Zybina and why memes play an important role in the philosophical knowledge of this worldWelcome Day results from Sigma Software University. And also, which experiments can be performed on loved ones, and which ones are not desirable Welcome Day results from Sigma Software University
– And in conclusion, Volodymyr Yantsov shared with the students details about courses, camps, meetups, practices, etc.
Olesya Skrypka-Akishina was responsible for moderation and audience smiles Welcome Day results from Sigma Software University, and at the same time – questions from those interested.
Students and teachers of the department are very grateful for such a wonderful event, for new views and vectors in this difficult time! We wish the company prosperity!Welcome Day results from Sigma Software UniversityWelcome Day results from Sigma Software University
Welcome Day results from Sigma Software University