Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering Department


Workshop with students

Today, a weekly meeting took place between specialists from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics  and students of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 153. However, today’s meeting was special for several reasons:

– Firstly, the opening of 9 new classrooms in the underground school.

– Secondly, the students attending were mostly from the 9th grade.

– Thirdly, instead of one workshop, two were held!

The first workshop was conducted by Senior Lecturer of the PFEE Department, Serhii Kukhtin, who explained and demonstrated how a laser works and how engraving is done with it. All students received gifts.

The second workshop was led by our colleague from the CEC Department, Oleksii Liashenko, and focused on the use of artificial intelligence in smart home systems!

This event was held in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals to provide quality education to all who need it.

NURE – moving forward!

Workshop with students